Jane Whittington
I am a left below knee amputee since September 14, 2009. I lost my leg due to contracting Necrotizing Fasciitis, this happened in a matter of 2 days. Due to many complications and 2 additional surgeries I did not receive my prosthesis for 2 years. During that time, I was out of work and basically confined to a wheel chair. When I first presented myself to Harry Koster at Spine & Rehab Specialists I was in very very poor condition. Could barely do the most limited of exercises he required with a lot of grunting and complaining. During the first year and half of therapy I received 14 trial legs due to atrophy of my residual limb, which caused many setbacks but I had 2 goals at that time. One was to see my only child graduate from college and two was to dance with him at his wedding. I gained strength during my time and eventually started to walk on the basic treadmill. My endurance was terrible, after 15 minutes and 3 or 4 stops I was done physically until Harry received the Alter-G Anti-Gravity Treadmill. I can now walk for 30 minutes without stopping, no discomfort on my residual limb and no loss of momentum. I highly recommend this treatment for anyone who it is deemed necessary for their treatment for recovery. By the way I did walk down the aisle at my son’s wedding and danced with him also.
My sincerest thanks to the wonderful staff and professionals at Spine & Rehab Specialists!
My sincerest thanks to the wonderful staff and professionals at Spine & Rehab Specialists!